Changing The Way We Think About Movement And Performance

What is FBS?
One of the key issues in athletic performance and rehabilitation is the ambiguous nature of transfer; understanding how training carries over to competition. Frans Bosch has been a significant worldwide contributor and authority in this area, and Frans Bosch Systems (FBS) has been set up to bring this knowledge to sports and rehab professionals. FBS delivers services for coaches, players & therapists that aim to make sense of the many variables at play in optimizing transfer and human movement.
Through the study of areas such as dynamic systems theory and the field of motor learning, we can begin to understand movement better than previously thought, and develop a building block approach that helps us navigate through even the most chaotic open skill environments. A solid understanding of this framework developed by Frans Bosch is pivotal when applying these ideas in practice. Movement analysis, deriving the cause of injuries and prescribing exercise for greater efficiency in performance or rehabilitation are just some of the many applications possible.

Three groundbreaking publications: Running (with Ronald Klomp), Strength Training and Coordination, and Anatomy of Agility.

Translate theory into practice with the FBS courses. Online and practical courses available for sports and fitness professionals all around the world (courses delivered in English only).

Implement the training methods long-term using the brand new FBS Exercise App, available now on iOS and Android.
Movement Analysis
Get a detailed assessment of your movement, delivered through our purpose-built online portal. Perfect for athletes, coaches and organisations.
FBS Educational Newsletter
Key learnings from Frans, Teun and the FBS Team, delivered straight to your inbox every month.

In Search of Transfer
For movement patterns to transfer from training to the sporting field they must meet two key criteria: universality (applicable to many different situations), and self-stability (can withstand changes to the task & environment).
Attractors: These stable, multi-applicable components of movement are known in the literature as attractors. They make control of movement easier for the system by reducing the total degrees of freedom within the body.
Fluctuations: Because patterns of movement must also be adaptable to the changing demands of the environment, it is not a good idea to stabilise every component of movement. A number of components have to remain flexible, these are known as fluctuations. Good contextual movement always requires an effective distribution of self-stabilising components (attractors) and flexible components (fluctuations).
Anatomy of Agility: Chapter 3: p108
The Vehicle For Transfer
Attractors are self-stabilising components of movement that are applicable across many different sporting movements & situations. Attractors determine whether or not there will be a transfer from training to the target movement, therefore they should be the focus of both movement analysis and training interventions.
Here are some examples of attractors in agility:

Attractor: Hip Lock
Attractor: Swing Leg Retraction
Attractor: Chest Out When Rotating
Assessing Movement
The Building Block Approach
Motor Learning

1. Study The Theory
Three groundbreaking publications: Running (with Ronald Klomp), Strength Training and Coordination, and Anatomy of Agility.
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2. Connect Theory To Training Practice
Translate theory into practice with the FBS courses. Online and face-to-face courses available for sports and rehab professionals all around the world. Participants learn to assess movement, determine the underlying causes and prescribe training interventions.
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3. Implement The Methods
This brand new FBS application (mobile and tablet) contains tons of high quality exercise videos based on the Frans Bosch Systems philosophy. The app is designed and developed for both fitness professionals (personal trainers and health professionals) and sport professionals, such as (S&C) coaches and therapists. The app can be used as a source for practical applications of modern ideas of motor control and motor learning.
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4. Your Movement, Assessed
The FBS Movement Analyses are quite unlike most 'biomechanical' analyses that highlight errors but fail to identify the true cause of the problem. FBS Movement Analyses are detailed, individual movement assessments that accurately highlight potential injury risk and performance inhibitors.
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Who Have We Worked With?
Frans Bosch Systems have been deployed at a number of professional sporting clubs, across a wide array of sporting codes around the world. See some of our many clientele below:

Podcast Appearances
🎙 Pacey Performance Podcast
Changing how we think about training speed and agility, & implementing the methods of Frans Bosch with Leigh Egger
Listen Now